Thursday, November 14, 2013

#13: Short Film Production WIP

I posted my research, character design, WIP, ect... On a Prezi presentation.
CLICK HERE to get to that presentation.

Here is the more evolved storyboard, though!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

#12: Final Project 2 Video! "Free Balloons" Scissor Girl!

You can watch my Project 2 video here:
"Free Balloons"

Because for some reason this blogger website is not properly uploading the video.
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

#10B: Short Film WIP

Story development
More Storyboards
Visual Research
Character Design
(Things I forgot...)

1. Add scenes of him getting ready
-puts on a bow tie
-grabs his candy bag
-him looking in mirror and being happy

2. When changing face...
-tears off bow tie
-blood on face
-lights a candle inside of himself

Thursday, October 17, 2013

#10A: Short film Proposal

Pumpkin man tries to go trick or treating
No one will give him candy
Sits on sidewalk- sad
Ghost man comes along - helps PM steal candy from bat man
BM chases them until PM falls and breaks open
GM floats away
BM stands there like, "Oh well..."

Synopsis: Pumpkin man tries to fairly go trick or treating but Ghost man has a better idea...

Background is with front of a house and sidewalk
Characters have long stocky legs with tiny bodies easily showing who they are
Pumpkin Man: Pumpkin head, insecure, easily breakable, happy-go-lucky, fired from being a "scary" Halloween pumpkin- he's too nice.

#9: Project 2 Model with Texture Render

Scissor Girl Rendering...

#8: Model & Log Line for Project 2

Log Line:

"Scissor girl cannot grab ahold of balloons... So what does she do? Snips away all the other balloons so no one can have them! But then, a stray balloon comes along..."